Updated on 2024-05-22 (水) 17:12:10 (260d)
  • 梅津およびその指導学生が筆頭になっている論文は太字にしてあります。
  • 2015-01〜2024まで


  1. Inui M., Kawai S., Umezu N., "Determination of Workpiece Postures for 3-Axis Machining Using Milling Simulation Results," CAD and Applications, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 107-118, 2025, https://doi.org://10.14733/cadaps.2025.107-118
  2. Umezu N., Inui M., "Lossy Compression of Z-map based Shape Models using Daubechies Wavelet Transform and Quickselect," International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT), Vol.18, No.5, pp. 613-620, 2024, https://doi.org/10.20965/ijat.2024.p0613
  3. Inui M. Ohno R., Umezu N., "Thickness and Clearance Analysis of 3D Object Using Maximum Inscribed Cubes," CAD and Applications, Vol. 21, No.4, pp. 646-658, 2024, DOI: 10.14733/cadaps.2024.646-658
  4. Umezu N., Koizumi S., Nakagawa K., Nishida S., "Potential of Low-Cost Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Sensors: Case Studies for Enhancing Visitor Experience at a Science Museum," Electronics, 12(15), 3351, 2023; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12153351
  5. Inui M., Umezu N., "Contour-Type Cutter Path Computation Using Ultra-High-Resolution Dexel Model", CAD and Applications, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp.621-638.
  6. Inui M., Kobayashi M., Umezu N., "Cutter Engagement Feature Extraction Using Triple-Dexel Representation Workpiece Model and GPU Parallel Processing Function," CAD and Applications, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 89-102.
  7. Inui M., Onishi S., Umezu N., "Visualization of potential sink marks using thickness analysis of finely tessellated solid model" Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (JCDE), Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Vol.5, No. 4, pp. 409-418.
  8. Inui M., Nagano S., Umezu N., "Fast Computation of Accessibility Cones for Assisting 3+2 Axis Milling" CAD and Applications, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 667-676.
  9. Inui M., Umezu N., "Extraction of Vertical Cylinder Contacting Area for Motorcycle Safety Verification" CAD and Applications, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 556-564.
  10. Inui M., Umezu N., Tsukahara M., "Simple Offset Algorithm for Generating Workpiece Solid Model for Milling Simulation" Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing (JAMDSM), Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), Vol. 11, No.4, #128.
  11. Umezu N., Yokota K., Inui M., "2D Wavelet Transform Data Compression with Error Level Guarantee for Z-Map Models" Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (JCDE), Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Vol.4, No. 3, pp. 238-247.
  12. Umezu N., Takahashi E., "Visualizing Color Term Differences based on Images on the Web" Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (JCDE), Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 37-45.
  13. Umezu N., Asai K., Inui M., "Wavelet Transform Data Compression with an Error Level Guarantee for Z-Map Models" International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT), Vol.10, No.2, pp. 201-208.
  14. Inui M., Umezu N., Shimane R., "Shrinking Sphere: A Parallel Algorithm for Computing the Thickness of 3D Objects" CAD and Applications, Taylor & Francis, Vol.13, No.2, pp.199-207.
  15. Inui M., Umezu N., Wakasaki K., Sato S., "Thickness and Clearance Visualization based on Distance Field of 3D Objects" Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (JCDE), Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Vol.2, No.2, pp.183-194.
  16. Inui M., Umezu N., Kitamura Y., "Visualizing Sphere-Contacting Areas on Automobile Parts for ECE Inspection" Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (JCDE), Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, pp.55-66.


  1. Saito Y., Uemura S., Okuzumi J., Suzuki N., Umezu N., Location information measurements using multiple devices toward digital transformation of Open Sky Museum, Proc. of AIxVR 2025, to appear.
  2. Umezu N., Bando H., Augmented Karuta: Interactive Playing Cards on the Floor for Learning Local Culture, Proc. of AIxVR 2025, to appear.
  3. Umezu N., Horie S., Immersive Dome Projection: Skywalking Through Iconic Global Destinations, Proc. of AIxVR 2025, to appear.
  4. Umezu N., Iijima S., Pseudo-Holographic Display of Plant Models based on Pepper’s Ghost Illusion, Proc. of SCIS 2024, 4 pages, Himeji, Japan, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10760178
  5. Umezu N., Imada Y.,Passing Practice Support for Soccer Players using First-person Videos, Proc. of SCIS 2024, 4 pages, Himeji, Japan, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10759975
  6. Umezu N., Nishida S., Interactive Museum Kiosk for Visualizing Visitor Activities, Proc. of IEEE GCCE 2024, pp. 1322-1324, Kitakyushu, Japan, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10760460
  7. Umezu N.,Nakagawa K., Interactive Floor Projection in a Museum for Learning Small Creatures, Proc. of IEEE GCCE 2024, pp. 1325-1327, Kitakysyu, Japan, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10761048
  8. Umezu N., Mori Y., Yamura K., Interactive Projection on Objects: Book and Castle Ruin Model Cases in a Museum, Proc. of IEEE AIxVR 2024, pp. 392-397, LA, USA, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10445540
  9. Bai Y., Umezu N., Development of Pseudo-3D Representation for Two-Dimensional Artworks Based on Head Tracking and Depth Information, Proc. of ACM ADIP 2023, pp. 74-77, Kyoto, Japan, https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3639592.3639603
  10. Ohara T., Hashiyama T., Umezu N., Detection of Students in Need of Immediate Care in Programming Classes Using Machine-Learning Techniques, Proc of IEEE GCCE 2023, Nara, Japan, pp.560-564, Poster, Oct 10-13, 2023, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10315336
  11. Umezu N., Ito H., Yanai HF, Performance in Programming Class and Basic Math Skills, Proc of IEEE GCCE 2023, Nara, Japan, pp.565-567, Poster, Oct 10-13, 2023, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10315565
  12. Umezu N., Iwai M., Ito H., Similarity-Based Grading Assistance for Assignments in Programming Lecture, Proc of IEEE GCCE 2023, Nara, Japan, pp.285-287, Oct 10-13, 2023, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10315677
  13. Umezu N., Koizumi S., Visitor Counting in a Museum With a 2D LiDAR Sensor, Proc of IEEE GCCE 2023, Nara, Japan, pp.73-75, Oct 10-13, 2023, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10315645
  14. Umezu N., Iijima S., Tangible User Interface to Learn about Voronoi Diagrams, Proc. of IEEE AIVR 2022, pp. 221-224, Dec 12-14, 2022. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10024454
  15. Umezu N., Akiyama S., Visualizing Difference between Bodily Movements of Athletes and Users Learning to Play Baseball, Proc. of IEEE AIVR 2022, pp. 252-254, Dec 12-14, 2022, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10024481
  16. Iuchi S., Inui M., Umezu N., Geometric Simulation of 5-axis Milling without Using Cutter Swept Volume, Proc. of ICPE 2022, Nara, Japan, C311, Nov 28-Dec 01, 2022.
  17. Bai Y., Umezu N., Vectorization of Contours of Hand Written Letters for Character Mosaic Generation, Proc. of ICPE 2022, Nara, Japan, C221, Nov 28-Dec 01, 2022.
  18. Umezu N., Inui M., Various Daubechies Wavelets for Compressing Z-map Models, Proc. of ICPE 2022, Nara, Japan, C242, Nov 28-Dec 01, 2022.
  19. Bai Y., Umezu N., Formulation of Ever Zooming-up Photomosaics, Proc. of IEEE GCCE 2022, Osaka, Japan, pp. 766-767, Poster, Oct 18-21, 2022.
  20. Kako N., Umezu N., Support for Hand Writing Practice with Emphasized Visual Instructions, Proc. of IEEE GCCE, pp.548-552, Osaka, Oct 18-21, 2022.
  21. Umezu N., Bay Y., "Floor Projection with QR code-based Interactions and Visitor Drawings", Proc. of IEEE GCCE, pp. 325-327, Osaka, Oct 18-21, 2022.
  22. Kametani N., Umezu N., Presenting Text Layout and Color Patterns Suitable for Book Covers, Proc. IEEE LifeTech, pp. 470-474, 2022 Mar.
  23. Ishikawa K., Umezu N., Chord-based Visualization of Temporal structure of Symphony, Proc. IEEE LifeTech, pp. 462-465, 2022 Mar.
  24. Akiyama S., Umezu N., Similarity-based Form Visualization for Supporting Sports Instructions, Proc. IEEE LifeTech, pp. 490-494, 2022 Mar.
  25. Tani K., Umezu N., Temporal-sound based User Interface for Smart Home, International Conference on Big Data, Machine Learning and IoT (BLMI) 2021 Dec.
  26. Iwai M., Umezu N., Similarity Visualization of Source Code Assignments Submitted in Programming Classes, International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education (ICECE), 2021 Dec.
  27. Bai Y.,i Umezu N., Character Mosaics: A New Form of Text-based Artistic Representation, Proc. IEEE AIVR, 2021 Nov, pp.65-69.
  28. Kuwahara M, Umezu N., Learning Environment based on an Interactive Projection Table for Children, Proc. IEEE AIVR, 2021 Nov, pp.109-113.
  29. Ohara T., Umezu N., Webcam-based Categorization of Task Engagement of PC Users at Work, Proc. QCAV2021, GT2-9, 2021 May 12-14.
  30. Akiyama S., Umezu N., Supporting Sports Instruction with Comparative Display of Forms, Proc. QCAV2021, GT2-7, 2021 May 12-14.
  31. Asahina S. Umezu N., Recipe Recommendation and Cooking Instruction based on Food Material Recognition, Proc. QCAV2021, GT2-6, 2021 May 12-14.
  32. Inui M., Nishimiya K., Umezu N., Accessibility Map for Assisting Cutter Posture Determination in Five-Axis Mold Machining, Proc. CASE, 2020 Aug.
  34. Inui M., Naganuma S., Nishikawa K., Umezu N., Visualizing Thickness and Clearance of 3D Objects, Proc. Model Based Enterprise Summit, 2020, Mar. 30 - Apr.3.
  35. Yoneda Y., Umezu N., Features suitable for video thumbnails on portable devices, Asia Digital Image Processing Conference (ADIP), 2020, Kobe, Dec 21-23, 2019.
  36. Kubota Y., Umezu N., Pseudo-3D Display Based on Head Tracking for Viewpoint Image Generation, Proc. of IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), pp. 160-163, Osaka, Oct 15-18, 2019.
  37. Umezu N., Inui M., "Lossy compression with Daubechies wavelet transform for Z-Map Models", Proc. of International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) 2018, Kamakura, Nov 13-15, 2018.
  38. Sugawara G., Umezu N., "Development of a web-based rating system for slide visibility and its evaluation", Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), Okinawa, Oct 31-Nov 2, 2018.
  39. Ishii T., Umezu N., "Fast similarity calculation between images for realtime photomosaic generation", Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), Okinawa, Oct 31-Nov 2, 2018.
  40. Umezu N., Inui M., "Lossy compression algorithm based on Wavelet transform for dexel models", Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), Okinawa, Oct 31-Nov 2, 2018.
  41. Nemoto T., Umezu N., "Support for Keyboard Performing Practice with Mirrored Video of Model Performance", Proc. of IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), pp. 59-62, Nara, Oct 9-12, 2018.
  42. Tani M., Umezu N., "Development of a Smart Mirror with Life Log Functions and Its Evaluation" Proc. of IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), pp. 146-150, Nara, Oct 9-12, 2018, Student Paper Award 2nd Prize.
  43. Inui M., Nagano S., Umezu N., "Radial Ray Representation for Fast Analysis of Optimal Cutting Direction in 3+2 Axis Milling" Proc. of International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), Kanazawa, Jul 15-19, 2018.
  44. Kaneko E., Umezu N., "Rapid Construction of Coarse Indoor Map for Mobile Robots" Proc. of IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), pp. 501-503, Nagoya, Oct 24-27, 2017.
  45. Yokota E., Umezu N., "2D Wavelet Transform Data Compression with Error Level Guarantee for Z-Map Models", Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), Juju, Korea, Oct 26-28, 2016.
  46. Umezu N., "Photographic Mosaics Maintaining Image Boundaries", Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), Juju, Korea, Oct 26-28, 2016.
  47. Inui M., Umezu N., "Reduction of reworks by detecting possible manufacturing problems of plastic and diecasting parts in early design stage" Proc. of Asia Design Engineering Workshop (A-DEWS), Osaka, Dec 12-13, 2016.
  48. Umezu N., "Photographic Mosaics Maintaining Image Boundaries" Proc. of Asia Design Engineering Workshop (A-DEWS), Osaka, Dec 12-13, 2016.
  49. Sugawara G., Umezu N., "Evaluating the visibility of presentation slides" Proc. of International Conference on Quality Control and Artificial Vision (QCAV), No. 42, Tokyo, May 14-16, 2017.
  50. Umezu N., "Features contributing sense of scale in photographs" Proc. of International Conference on Quality Control and Artificial Vision (QCAV), No. 2, Tokyo, May 14-16, 2017.
  51. Tani M., Umezu N., "Prototype implementation of mirror with built-in display" Proc. of International Conference on Quality Control and Artificial Vision (QCAV), No. 51, Tokyo, May 14-16, 2017.
  52. Inui M., Gunji K., Umezu N., "Extraction of Sliding Collision Area of Knee-Form for Automobile Safety Inspections" Proc. of Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), pp. 175-183, Plzen, Czech Republic, May 29-Jun 2, 2017.
  53. Inui M., Kobayashi M., Umezu N., "Fast Extraction of Cutter Engagement Features by Using the Parallel Processing Function of a GPU" Proc. of IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp. 668-673, Xi’an, China, Aug 20-23, 2017.
  54. Umezu N., "Features contributing sense of scale in photographs" Proc. of International Conference on Quality Control and Artificial Vision (QCAV), No. 2, Tokyo, May 14-16, 2017.
  55. Kanahama Y., Umezu N., "Computer-Aided Coloring of Monochrome Images" Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), No. 25, Kitakyusyu, Nov 4-6, 2015.
  56. Umezu N., Takahashi E., "Visualizing Color Term Differences based on Images on the Web", Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), No. 25, Kitakyusyu, Nov 4-6, 2015.
  57. Kaneko E., Umezu N., "Extracting Object Position Characteristics from Images on the Web" Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), No. 23, Kitakyusyu, Nov 4-6, 2015.
  58. Inui M., Umezu N., Tadaki M., "Thinning Algorithm of Front Grille Part Shape for Air Flow Analysis" Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), No. 27, Kitakyusyu, Nov 4-6, 2015.
  59. Nakayari T., Umezu N., "Accelerating Thumbnail Generation from JPEG Images" Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), Kitakyusyu, Nov 4-6, 2015.
  60. Yuasa K., Umezu N., "Contents-based Thumbnailing for Short Video" Proc. of Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE), No. 22, Kitakyusyu, Nov 4-6, 2015.


  • 自身が代表者のテーマは太字にしてあります。
  1. 科研費、若手B、遺構実測図のデジタル化支援システムの開発, 2010-04~2012-03、人文学/史学/考古学
  2. 科研費、挑戦的萌芽研究、連続・非線形に進行するプレゼンテーション環境の実装と評価、2012-04~2014-03、総合領域/科学教育・教育工学/教育工学
  3. 科研費、基盤研究(C)、基本形状配置による機械部品の製造性・安全性などの高速な評価、主たる研究分担者、2013-04~2016-03、工学/機械工学/設計工学・機械機能要素・トライボロジー
  4. 科研費、挑戦的萌芽研究、ポスター展示に最適なフォトグラフィックモザイク生成の自動化、2015-04~2017-03、情報学/人間情報学/感性情報学
    • 15K12121
  5. 科研費、基盤研究(C)、誤字の自動訂正行動から推定される読字の脳内メカニズム、研究分担者、2016-04~2019-03、情報学/人間情報学/ソフトコンピューティング
    • 16K00321
  6. 科研費、基盤研究(C)、着色と超解像化による、貴重な近代モノクロ写真の能動的レストア、代表者、2018-04~2021-03、情報学/人間情報学/感性情報学関連
    • 18K11497
  7. 科研費、基盤研究(C)、プログラミング科目のレポート課題の採点効率化 ~類似答案の可視化と時系列追跡~、代表者、2021-04〜2024-03、教育工学
    • 21K02768
  8. 科研費、基盤研究(B)、製造の難しさの定量解析に基づく機械部品の加工性評価、研究分担者、2021-04〜2025-03
  9. 科研費、基盤研究(C)、安価なセンサとIoT機器による博物館体験のDX -個別化・インタラクティブ化・振り返り-、代表者、2024-04〜2027-03、教育工学
    • 24K06232