Updated on 2021-11-13 (土) 12:46:11 (1181d)

IEEE AIVR2021 XRTM Workshop

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Prof.Mukaiyama.pngThe Effects and Significance of Projection Mapping
for Cultural Properties
Professor Kazushi MUKAIYAMA
 Future University Hakodate, Japan
 Projection Mapping (PJM) is a technique used for displaying visuals, such as computer graphics, onto buildings or walls using projectors. This exhibition method not only fascinates people as entertainment also shows various audio-visual information such as reviving original states directly. This talk explains several cases from my labs works to European cathedrals and so on, it considers the effects and significance of PJM for cultural properties.

Program : DAY 1 (Nov 15th)

  • Presentaion: 15 miniutes for presentation and 10 minutes for QA
Workshop XRTM: XR Technologies in Museums PART 1
  Time: Taiwan (GMT +8): 19:30 - 21:30
  Time: New York (GMT -4): 6:30 - 8:30
  Chair: Prof. Nobuyuki Umezu
19:35-KeynoteProf. K. Mukaiyama
20:15-58Rediscovering Neighborhood History through Augmented RealityMing-Chun Lee
20:40-91Character Mosaics: A New Form of Text-based Artistic RepresentationYuming Bai and Nobuyuki Umezu
21:05-92ArrivieW2: An Android Application for General-Purpose Information Presentation Using Google Map API, Location and Azimuth SensorYasuyuki Saito, Shigeki Uemura, Jun Okuzumi and Norihiko Suzuki
Workshop XRTM: XR Technologies in Museums PART 2
  Time: Taiwan (GMT +8): 21:45 - 23:45
  Time: New York (GMT -4): 8:45 - 10:45
  Chair: Prof. Taku Komura
21:45-93Digital Fabrication: Machine Learning-based Immersive Experiencing for the Virtual Space in a Future MuseumMiao-Chi Liu Chang, Yu-Hsiung Huang, Wei-Chih Lin and Shih-Wei Sun
22:10-94Towards a Standard Approach for the Design of a both Physical and Virtual MuseumAgata Marta Soccini and Anna Maria Marras
22:35-95Learning Environment based on an Interactive Projection Table for ChildrenMidori Kuwahara and Nobuyuki Umezu
23:00-Panel Discussions on "XR as the New Clay in Digital Art Era"
 > Prof. Taku Komura, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
 > Dr. Agata Marta Soccini, University of Torino, Italy
 > Dr. Anna Maria Marras, University of Torino, Italy
 > Prof. Nobuyuki Umezu, Ibaraki University, Japan, Moderator


  • 2021-07-26 WS website started.
  • 2021-08-10 added submission instructions.
  • 2021-08-21 deadline extended.
  • 2021-08-23 set 2 categories for papers (short and regular).
  • 2021-08-28 Prof. Komura from Hong Kong joined our organizing committee.
  • 2021-09-06 We have 6 submissions to our WS.
  • 2021-09-13 We're receiving results from reviewers.
  • 2021-09-14 Camera ready deadline is extended to 20th Oct. in cooperation with AIVIR main conference.
  • 2021-10-05 Our keynote speaker is Prof. Mukaiyama at Future University Hakodate, Japan.
  • 2021-10-16 Conference program is available at https://ieee-aivr.cs.nthu.edu.tw/program
  • 2021-10-19 A draft schedule of our workshop
  • 2021-10-19 CR deadline is changed, its not in GMT(UTC)23:59 but in PDT 23:59, Oct 20th.
  • 2021-11-08 Panelists determined.

[XRTM] XR Technologies in Museums

Museums are attractive and unique places that offer people to learn from various exhibits, displays, samples and special devices. Although recent smartphones, PCs, and game consoles are very powerful, there should still be solid differences between experiences with these daily equipments and those in museums with full of special-purpose gadgets and devices. In this session, we encourage papers that extend the ability of future museums and showcase new possibilities in museum experiences based on a range of XR technologies.


  • but are not limited to applications of the following areas:

Data visualization Visitor tracing Touch walls Interactive objects for learning Floor projection

Robot programming for children Traditional work and activities in cyberspace

Important Dates

  • Paper submission: 23rd August 2021 6th September 2021 GMT 23:59
  • Notification of acceptance: 15th September 2021 17th September 2021
  • Camera ready submission: 1st October 2021 20th October 2021 GMT PDT 23:59


  1. Prepare a paper in double-column IEEE format following the official IEEE Manuscript Formatting guidelines.
    • Short paper: up to 4 pages (New)
    • Regular paper: 5-6 pages
  2. Visit and login https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeeaivr2021
  3. Select our XRTM ws by choosing the track named "Workshop: XR Technologies in Museums" and then continue submitting.


nolinkNobuyuki Umezu
Ibaraki University, Japan
- http://colors.ise.ibaraki.ac.jp/?en
- umz@computer.org
nolinkShih-Wei Sun
Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan
- https://ucvisionlab.wordpress.com/
t-ishida.jpgTomoyuki Ishida
Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
- https://glocalvision.net/ishilab/
taku.jpgTaku Komura
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- https://www.cs.hku.hk/index.php/people/academic-staff/taku


  • There are several similar conferences named "AIVR" like this one. Our conference is IEEE sponsored and our proceedings are published in IEEE Xplore and IEEE CSDL.